Monday, 7 December 2009

list project.

I got biscuits so here's what i did!

book project!

The book project......done using multimaedia, inspiration from Warhole and poke jiggery from photoshop!
Needs and A!

Monday, 30 November 2009

photography venture

here are two of our imAGES. WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO DIPICT IN THE CONTRAST BETWEEN NATURE AND (sorry i was shouting) manmade things.........i think........there ya go~!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

twin project.

SO we have been twinned for school. My twin is the phonominol Kirsty Nash who with i'll be expireancing the world together but apart. Here is out title. More shall follow.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

golly more images!

Well here be some work from graphics.......

The illusion of movement!!!!

And here be my very first annimation made by myself and Kelly whilst in the annimation room with Tim.

As you can see it's done in a non hollywood fashion using magazine cut out and scraps of used paper. Arn't i the little eco recycling warrior me. Enjoy it and then you can drench me with praise after viewing!

Rah rah rah rah rah

Monday, 12 October 2009

oh my days, there's more....

Look! Its Shaun Mellor rolling a cigerette, look at him mingled up amongst old papers i found in Deptford market......

And thar be further mash up....

Oh what fun the day does bring!

Spend the morning coloring inn and the afternoon messin with ma buddies and chums making them all imaged. here be Jenna( photographer, artist) all mashed up with papers and scratches. Aint she a looker ;)

Rah x

Monday, 5 October 2009


And here would be Roman Rappak of Bretton(the band) . One of the more talented men I know displayed here within images of the suffolk countryside.


Back to what's the basics


Never had one of these blog things before. Think there a bit odd, ya know, reading someones inner monologue can be either boring or a tad disturbing. I'm hoping to steer clear of the latter.

Started out digital art jazz today. I'll see if i can post a the proogress. It a mash up of Shitlock Lee (beer drinker), Britney Tshuk(singer)and Liam Clarke(Bogus Gasman front man)
